The Beauty of White Space
As a writer, white space can be unnerving. Looking at the blank page, or monitor as the case may be, can just make you feel so inadequate. What things do I have to say that can fill this page? Will...
View ArticleGrieving from Within the Dark Silence
Death. Grief. At some point, we all face losing someone we love. The process of grieving, especially for those very close to us, is difficult. As I write this, it has only been a week since I lost my...
View ArticleLearning to Never Say “I Just Can’t Wait Until…”
Being a mother is hard work. I have three young children and this season is the hardest season I have ever lived. There is no sleeping in. I can barely balance the house work, the children’s...
View ArticleA Pretty Rough Week
Last fall I somehow ended up on a parent email list for a 3rd grade elementary class at a nearby public school which shall remain nameless. I’ve requested to be taken off the list a number of times,...
View Article10 Best Things about Spring
Spring is in the air; well it should be, anyway. Who knows what this crazy weather will bring. Where I live, it is usually nice out and it may get hotter or cooler depending on the month. Our winter...
View ArticleSeasons of Life
“I am not in control – and I never was.” The realization of this thought, the one I held so tightly with a grip that squeezed the life out of me some days, was a slap in the face. “I am not in control....
View ArticleTeach, and You Will Learn
I’m currently teaching an Introduction to Digital Photography class at our local co-op. It’s a TON of work on top of my normal schedule because I’m not following a textbook, I’m just developing the...
View ArticleLies SINGLE Homeschooling Moms Believe
Well, we’ve officially started the homeschool convention circuit. Last weekend, we were in Washington and this weekend we’ll be in Utah. We love traveling around encouraging homeschool parents (they...
View ArticleStriking Balance When Life Gets Crazy
There are times in my life when the minutes seem to go by like hours. When the time it takes to read about the crossing on the Mayflower seems equivalent to the actual time it took to DO the crossing...
View ArticleStill
Still. I can’t believe we are still here. I’ve had that thought many times recently. We got married nearly ten years ago while HubbaHubba was still a student at the local Bible college where we met....
View ArticleSecond Match Made in Heaven Part 2 – Training
Nala is here! On a rainy, cold Monday afternoon in the middle of February, the van marked Southeastern Guide Dogs finally pulled into my driveway again. This time carrying a special cargo for me. The...
View ArticleSpitting Mad
Sometimes I get so mad at homeschoolers I could just spit. To clarify, it’s not all homeschoolers…it’s just the over-achieving kind, the kind that LOVE the school part of homeschooling. It’s not that...
View ArticleLetter to Young Me
Uniqueness. Why, oh why does that seem like a dirty word to teenagers? My own, included. I have strived to raise and help create unique little people to send out into the world. Little people that I...
View ArticleBeing Female
There are certain things that are just “female”. We all know that the female anatomy is different than a man’s. We know that a female’s emotions are more pronounced than a man’s. I know, we don’t like...
View ArticleBeing Unique
What does that mean, “unique”? Well, to me, it means: original, different, not copied. Every human being is unique! Even identical twins have their own fingerprint. I think that is amazing! Let’s think...
View ArticleFinishing the Year Strong
It has been exactly 9 years that we have been homeschooling. We started mid-year when our son was 6 and in kindergarten and it was definitely not planned. God gave us a not-so-subtle push, you might...
View ArticleThe Monthly Brain Dump – How and Why These Articles Keep Slipping Out of the...
It’s a couple of days to another posting deadline, and here I am, again, figuring out what my brain is really wanting to say. I move around the thoughts in my head and start typing again. Some of you...
View ArticleBraille is Dead
Braille is dead! No one needs Braille anymore! Technology has made Braille useless! Those are three sentences I have heard recently, and none are true. Unfortunately, I heard those words from...
View ArticleDear Homeschool Mom who Feels Behind
It is that time of year, the time when school is winding down and the end is in sight. Whether you school year round or take the summer off, it can get stressful towards the end of the year. If you...
View ArticleIt Is What It Is
My family recently attended a birthday party for a child celebrating her second birthday. The food table was impressive: three different homemade cheese balls, an assortment of finger foods both hot...
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