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Lies SINGLE Homeschooling Moms Believe


Lies Single Moms

Well, we’ve officially started the homeschool convention circuit. Last weekend, we were in Washington and this weekend we’ll be in Utah.

We love traveling around encouraging homeschool parents (they need it after all). It’s given us an interesting perspective as we talk to moms and dads of all backgrounds across our great country. The thing I’m always struck by is how much we are alike.

It doesn’t matter what your accent is, what you see out your window, or how much money you make…homeschoolers are homeschoolers. We all face the same pressures (external and internal), desire to have godly children, and try harder than anyone. That should offer some kind of warped comfort, knowing that we are all in the same boat.

But I have noticed a small minority of homeschoolers who have added pressures and hear particularly loud lies…and that’s single homeschooling moms.

I meet some at just about every conference. They walk up to me alone, as though they’ve been waiting for the crowds to disperse so they can talk in the shadows. Often times they have tears in their eyes and begin their comments by saying, “I’m a single mom.”

I listen to their questions and concerns and then say with confidence, “You’re still the best mom for your children and if you want to do school at home, then do it.”

The basic truths behind homeschooling are STILL true for single homeschooling moms. Home is the best place for your children and YOU are the best teacher of your children.

If you’re a single mom, you need to cling to those truths. You need to stop listening to those around you who say, “Don’t you think it would be better for your kids to be with other kids? You can’t do it all…your plate is too full…you’re not able to give them all they need….”

Mom, stop listening to those LIES!!!! If you believe you should be homeschooling, then YOU SHOULD be homeschooling. Find some friends who will encourage you in those truths and stick to them like gum on a shoe. Post those truths where you can see them every day. Remind your children of those truths so they can remind you.

Go ahead and look for internet helps and lower your expectations of what you might cover…but know this – You ARE enough and your kids will be better off because you had them home.

BTW – If you’re a single mom, contact me and I’ll send you an audio CD of This We Believe for FREE.

Only the truth,


PS – You can see my speaking schedule here

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