What does that mean, “unique”? Well, to me, it means: original, different, not copied.
Every human being is unique! Even identical twins have their own fingerprint. I think that is amazing!
Let’s think for a minute . . . can you picture a world where everyone was the same? Can you imagine what it would be like if all of us drove blue cars? What if all of us worked at the same place? Could you imagine all the boys wearing the same pants and ties or all the girls wearing the same dress? I picture us all in these little blue cars driving side by side down the road, all trying to get to the same place at the same time (because our schedule would be the same too). I picture our children all looking and acting the same (hopefully that is on one of their good days J). I picture us all having the same pets, of course, no reptiles or rodents!
Assuming that we were all the same and had the same thoughts and feelings, who would be there to sit with us when we were feeling lonely? Who would be there when we needed comforting or guidance? Imagining that we are all the same to me is kind of scary. I can truly say, thank goodness God knew what we would need and he made us all unique.
It seems that we, as a whole, are trying to fit in.
Media is pounding into us at young ages what is acceptable, what we should look like, where we should live, what type of house we should have. Why do we let these things affect our lives? Do we want cookie cutter lives?
There is a song out there that I truly adore. It has talked to me from the first time I heard it. It is by Johnny Diaz and it is called “More Beautiful You.” Have you heard it?
You should look it up! It is a beautiful song that talks about us and our plan. It tells us that our beauty comes from within. Isn’t that a true statement? God made our bodies as a venue to house our souls. You may consider a person not very pretty on the outside, however they are one of the most beautiful people on the inside. This person would be very caring, compassionate, helpful etc. You know what I am talking about. Then you have another person who you think is pretty cute on the outside, however they are not that pretty in their actions. They may be selfish, self centered, unhelpful, angry, or just not follow the rules, or bending rules to justify their behavior or actions. They don’t have a beautiful soul.
This song goes on to remind us that you can always turn around no matter where you have been or what you have done.
God has a plan for our lives. Jeremiah 26:11, states: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” At times we try to hide our uniqueness. Are we embarrassed to be ourselves? Are we uncomfortable standing out of the crowd when needed so we back into a corner and just become like everyone else? Why do we lose our uniqueness to fit in? One of the great things is that God will take us back! We need to stand up for ourselves and become the people that God intended for us to be.
How amazing is our God! He made each of us different with all different styles, likes, and dislikes. He made our plan for our life. It is no one else’s! It is our job to be who we were meant to be whether or not our “friends” like us, or make fun of us because of our clothes or whatever. Our job as parents is to harbor our child’s individual uniqueness and help them to not be afraid or intimidated to use their voice or to stand up for themselves. We need to let our lights shine and express our individuality.