Drops in the Ocean
Music has always spoken to me. I’ve sung all my life in various choirs and groups and on the worship team at church; but, more than that, I ALWAYS sing along to the radio. When I was a teen who...
View ArticleDeafBlind Culture: Finding Our Identity by Touch
I saw a post in my Facebook feed recently that had a picture and a description from somewhere a long way from my home. In the description, I found a clue that revealed I knew one of the men in the...
View Article4 Things to Do When God’s Plan Just Isn’t Clear
We just lost our fifth contract on our house. Fifth. Typically, the buyers have been people who thought they could afford it, but in the end really couldn’t, but this one was different…this one we...
View ArticleJust Breathe
I sat in the exam room, waiting patiently for the doctor to return with the results of my EKG. I reflected on the long night that I’d just endured. It’s amazing how something so natural like, oh say,...
View ArticleSeasons of Busyness
This has been the YEAR OF WAY TOO BUSY! I started this school year with three part time jobs and two extra children (not to mention Orchestra, Band & Choir, Speech Club, Co-op, Bible Study and...
View ArticleThis Beautiful Life
One of my dear friends is just so very lovely that I want to be her when I grow up! She makes her home so warm and inviting, is an amazing hostess, she’s creative, plays the harp, and is just plain...
View ArticleHey, Mom!
Hey Mom, I’m still recovering from my oldest son’s wedding (which took place at our house) and from a great weekend at the huge homeschool convention in Richmond, VA. In fact, instead of writing a...
View Article2nd Match Made in Heaven Part 3
Golden Nala has been with us now for four months. Things have gotten back to normal. Smile. Well, no, we have a slightly different, new normal. For instance, there is no such thing as hitting the...
View ArticleChange is Not a Tragedy
In the past few weeks, my husband has made several comments about what a tragedy it is that kids eventually grow up and leave home. He hates the thought that some day his kids will not want to sit on...
View ArticlePro-tactile: The DeafBlind Way
Touch is my connection to the world. It is a natural way of being when you are both deaf and blind. You need no lessons or have no choice but to use the more dominant sense of what is left for...
View ArticleThe Fat Lady Sings
If you caught my article last month you’re aware that we finally graduated our oldest child. That event and others have brought me to the realization that things are both ending and beginning in our...
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