Hey Mom,
I’m still recovering from my oldest son’s wedding (which took place at our house) and from a great weekend at the huge homeschool convention in Richmond, VA. In fact, instead of writing a thought provoking article I thought I’d just let you read an email I got from a homeschooling mom (details have been changed). I hope you’re encouraged by knowing you’re not alone!
Only the truth!
Hi Todd,
After 10 yrs. of not attending a homeschool conference, I decided to attend this year’s convention because a dear friend was about to begin the homeschooling journey and invited me to come along.
We have four children from college age to grade school.
After a few homeschool conventions early on, ten years ago, I never went back to a homeschool conference (or if I did, I didn’t attend the speakers). I would inevitably leave feeling worse than when I arrived! How could I possibly do everything these moms with long denim jumpers did?! I just felt like a failure. I decided to only attend the curriculum fair in future years (which only were a couple more) and skip any talks. I was super disillusioned, especially after years of using some very conservative books and curriculum.
Fast forward 10+ years since my last homeschool convention, and I intended not to hear any speakers this year either. I paid for the entire convention in case my friend wanted moral support in a new speaker. She decided to go to Charlotte Mason, and I stumbled into your room next door about “Not giving up.” Thanks for being so Real! I can finally breathe! Someone who actually voiced all that was going through my head. You see, I had been doing a lot of reading this past year on the homeschooler anonymous site. Especially since the BIG homeschool leader scandal. It is heartbreaking!
But I feel hopeful now. I felt isolated before, even in our marriage, and after attending your final talk (my first of yours) I bought the CDs of a couple more to listen to on the drive home.
Thank you for your eye opening, REAL, Seminars! The encouragement made me realize I am not alone.
Thanks again for traveling the country to encourage Homeschool families to Be Real. : ) It changed my perspective and I pray it will change our family too! I am reminding myself today, “Good things are Hard. Hard things are Good.” And thanking God for our Hard Marriage, and Hard teenage years.
Thanks again,
A mom