Honoring the Titus 2 Women In Your Life
As we celebrate Mother’s Day this month, my heart is turned to the scripture that has inspired me as a wife and mother. Titus 2:3-5. There have been, in the past and the present, women in our lives...
View ArticleMary or Martha
Being a mom is a tough job; in all actuality, being a woman is Hard. Work. Period. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of all the to-do lists and completely forget our purpose....
View ArticlePassport to Purity
As a mom, one of the goals I have is to maintain a good relationship with my children. In some ways boys are easier on this – make their favorite meal and you’re their best friend! Girls can be a...
View ArticleShaping Genuine Diamonds: Children with Character
Homeschooling is not about money or prestige. It’s about learning! It’s about your child becoming who God intends them to be! Focus on the important things, the things that matter: education,...
View ArticleThe Lies Women Believe
I love being a woman. My goal is to be as much like the virtuous woman we read about in Proverbs 31 as I can. Many of the barriers and hindrances to our success as women of virtue may very well be...
View ArticleBeauty from Rubble
What is important? I mean, what is truly important to you? Is it your iPad or car? Your house? The collection of antique salt and pepper shakers from your great aunt? What if all those things were just...
View ArticleMy Favorite Things
I have been feeling well and have accomplishing a lot lately; so when my birthday came around, I was reflecting on how much things have changed over the course of my life. Instead of being depressed...
View ArticleThe Fight For Beauty
With the way that Hollywood is trying to push beauty onto us in all the wrong ways, it’s hard for young girls, teens, and young adults not to get stressed and frustrated with the way they look. Okay,...
View ArticleRaising Missions-Minded Children
We have always had a soft spot in our hearts for Missions/Missionaries. We have been very blessed to create strong friendships with many missionaries because of this. We raised our children around...
View ArticleThrough the Summer Storms
With summer upon us, storms are sure to arise. Thunderstorms thrive on two basic elements: moisture and rapidly rising warm air. Both are ever present in the spring and summer months, therefore...
View ArticleYou’re Gorgeous, Wait What?!
I’m having one of those days. One of those bad days where I find myself completely and utterly jealous over my friends’ engagements. One of those days when I find myself wondering why my friends can be...
View ArticleDanger of Loose Dogs
Over the years, we have raised guide dog puppies and a few personal pets. Even though we have a very large fenced-in back yard, we prefer to walk as a family to take our dogs for walks along our...
View ArticleMy Angel
The month of August has some pretty unique holidays in it, most of them so obscure that not many people even know about them. August 22nd has been dubbed Be an Angel Day, and was founded by Jayne...
View ArticleEvery Day is a Gift
Every day is a gift. It is hard to remember what a gift today is. I have spent a lot of time looking back over the past couple of years and complaining. I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough...
View ArticleBeauty-full Girl
Do you ever feel the pressure to be more beautiful? Of course you do. We all do. We look in the mirror and wonder why we’re not as pretty as the girls in the magazines. We wonder why we can’t look...
View ArticleListening: the Lost Medical Skill
The state of health care past, present, and future is a matter of heated debate. I understand that, because our health is very important. Paying for it, trying to decide who should pay for it, and how...
View ArticleServing the Least of These
We got back from our missions trip last month. I am still processing it. It was a tough week and a great week. Our mission trip for the last 15 years (for me, 14 for Steven, and 2 for Beth) has been...
View ArticleThe Un-Empty Nest
September…all around me, it seems this friend or that friend has helped their child or children get settled in at college, many of those the last child, the youngest. Many of my friends are now facing...
View ArticleDoing Something Right
Standing at the kitchen sink with soapsuds up to my elbows, I look out the window and see a little boy under a tree. He has a lapboard and a bucket of crayons. He’s laying on his stomach with his feet...
View ArticleHide It in Their Hearts: Favorite Devotionals for Families and Kids
In our culture today, our children are bombarded from every angle with things that try to pull them away from God. It’s important to use the time we have to help our children hide God’s Word in their...
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