With the way that Hollywood is trying to push beauty onto us in all the wrong ways, it’s hard for young girls, teens, and young adults not to get stressed and frustrated with the way they look.
Okay, let’s face it. The majority of women in Hollywood are skinny. Like…stick skinny. So skinny, in fact, that some of them even look sickly.
Not only are they skinny, but they’re also beautiful. Like, incredibly beautiful. And it all looks so natural – how do they do that?
How is it that someone in Hollywood can be so stick skinny and so beautiful, and yet when we try to look like them, it never seems to turn out the same?
Well, the answer is simple: we don’t get airbrushed.
Here’s the deal, everyone: Hollywood is fake.
Gasp, you can’t believe I said that, right? It can’t be fake – we’ve been looking up to these people for years, and now we’re going to say that it’s all a lie?
Well, yes. The girls in the magazines – with all that skinny-ness and beautiful-ness – are just an airbrushed version of themselves. Their pictures are taken and then they are made “perfect” by a computer.
And we wonder why the girls in this day and age are getting eating disorders, wearing an overabundance of makeup, and trying to dress like the girls in the magazines.
It’s because there’s a pressure to be perfect. There’s a pressure that, because the people in Hollywood look like this, they should, too.
But in all actuality, we shouldn’t be trying to look like the people in the magazines. We should be trying to look like a better version of ourselves.
We shouldn’t compare ourselves to women who are in magazines, but instead, we should compare ourselves to the person we were yesterday.
Being skinny doesn’t make you beautiful. Wearing gobs of makeup to cover up your natural beauty doesn’t make you beautiful. Wearing clothes that are “in-style” or cool, doesn’t make you beautiful.
Things that DO make you beautiful are: your personality, the smile you flash when you’re happy, your laugh, the way you hold your head high.
So please…stop comparing yourself to the girls in the magazines. Stop thinking, “If only I looked like that, I would be beautiful.”
Instead say, “I am beautiful.”
Repeat this to yourself over and over until you actually start to believe it.
Because you are. I promise.