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Every Day is a Gift



Every day is a gift.

It is hard to remember what a gift today is. I have spent a lot of time looking back over the past couple of years and complaining.

I don’t have enough money.

I don’t have enough time.

I don’t have enough love, respect, and on and on and on. . .

In reality, I have everything I need. I actually have much more than I need. My blessings far outnumber my problems. If we are honest with ourselves, we are probably all in the same place. Blessings overflow.

A lot of people make bucket lists. If you haven’t heard of this, it is where you list the most important things you want to accomplish or do before you “kick the bucket”. We spend our lives wishing for things we don’t have. I have spent countless hours wishing for things and, really, all I have accomplished is wasting away the hours God has given me.

I no longer want to waste the gift of today. My children are growing up way too fast. I want to spend my time loving them and making sure they know it without a doubt. My wish is that they grow into adults that love God with all of their hearts. I want them to be happy with themselves. Satisfied with how our loving Father created them. They are unique creations that are perfect.

Here is my so-called “bucket list.” It isn’t things I want to attain. Well, not physical things. When I am but a memory and a name on a piece of stone, I want people to remember me not for what I had but for what I was, gave, and who I loved.

1. To appreciate what I have and quit wanting more.

2. To love others as Jesus loves me. No less. Ever.

3. To forgive others no matter what. (This is really hard for me but I know it is possible.)

4. Do my best and quit making excuses as to why I can’t do things. With God , I CAN DO ANYTHING.

5. Pray for at least one new person specifically every day.

6. Accept that there are things that I cannot control in my life. Let them go.

7. Finish raising my children to be the most loving, caring individuals that I can possibly teach them to be. There is a saying I love that says Choose “Joy.” Jesus, Others, then ourselves. I tell my kids this all the time.

8. Make every day special. There will be days I do not remember, but I want every day to matter.

9. Read to, listen to, hold hands with, sing, dance and laugh with someone every day. It is the little things that people will remember. I probably am not destined to do great things. That is perfectly fine with me. But, hopefully I will do something great for at least one person. Influence them in a way that makes them smile or think good things.

I learned yesterday that a famous movie star killed himself. I would never pretend to understand this. It just reminded me that so many people do not appreciate life. God blesses us every day with a chance to start over and make life count. Our moments are very few when you look at the grand scheme of life.   I pray that I make the most of my very few moments.

We are not promised tomorrow. I find that kind of scary. I think a lot about that. When I am doing something, I tend to think to myself, if this is my last second on Earth, would I want it to be spent doing this? Most of the time the answer is no.

The number one item on my bucket list is to spend more minutes not minding if they are my last.   Smiling, laughing, loving, caring, giving. . . I pray that each of us spend more time doing these things and I believe God will bless us more than we could ever imagine.

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