My favorite quote is one that is hand written on an index card and is hanging on my desk. This quote is by a man who has inspired many people and has given us so much.
My favorite quote is by Walt Disney and he said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” This hand written quote has been in the same spot for several years and it still is a daily reminder for me.
The first time I read this quote, I kept on rereading it; and then I had to write it down and hang it up. This little quote speaks volumes to me. To me, this little quote reminds me that, in order to do anything, I must first take the step and start whatever it is I have been talking about doing and actually do it. After all, look what Walt Disney accomplished. He became a great illustrator and made movies that families would enjoy. Then he made the first Disney Park in California, and then started work on the second of several more parks to come in Florida. All this because he had a dream and went for it. But, in order to accomplish that dream, he had to take that first step and start working on the dream that he had.
I tend to be all talk and no action when it comes to certain things. I come up with great ideas and want to do certain things, but then something happens and those ideas never materialize. I think a lot of people are like this especially at this time of year when everyone is making their New Year’s resolutions. We all have high hopes, but it is so hard to actually get going on those resolutions. If we all apply what Walt Disney said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing,” we could all accomplish great things.
So, my little index card with this quote on it continues to hang over my desk so that I can be reminded that I have to stop hemming and hawing about what ever and get going or it will never get done. Maybe one day I will actually have this quote framed over my desk so that I can have a more permanent reminder of this quote.