The last article I wrote was a brilliant piece about Lies Homeschooling Moms TELL. Honestly, after writing it, I hadn’t thought much more about it until yesterday. As I was reading the Christmas cards and letters that have been trickling in, I suddenly had this thought: the BIGGEST lie homeschooling moms TELL has to be, “I’m doing fine.”
In reality, it doesn’t take much digging to find out that most homeschooling moms (and moms in general) aren’t doing fine. They feel defeated, worn down, burned out, and tired of dealing with kids, husbands, homeschooling, and LIFE.
Instead of admitting it like a sane person who should know better, they perpetuate the lie and say things like, “Oh, I’m doing fine.”
Not only is it damaging to the person telling the fib, but it also has a truth-stifling effect on the one asking. Believe it or not, sometimes the people asking are hoping for a little crack so they can admit the truth of their own falling apart world to someone. As soon as they hear the lie though, they clam up tighter than an oyster.
I think it’s time we stop telling the big lie and start telling the truth. We need some brave homeschooling moms who will say, “I’m not doing fine. I’m dying here. I can’t stand my husband, my children, or homeschooling right now. If something doesn’t change, I’m going to FREAK!!”
Can you imagine how freeing that would be, not only to the teller but to the asker? I’m sure many would respond with an, I feel the same way.
Mom, would you be the ONE? Would you be the one who tells the truth the next time someone asks, “How are you doing?” Would you tell it like it is? Tell them how you feel? Tell them the ugly, freedom-producing truth. And, if someone answers you honestly, don’t freak out when they tell you that things aren’t going so well.
No more LIES. No More LIES!!!!!!
The truth!