It’s officially fall here in Virginia. The days are cool and crisp, leaves are beautifully painted reds and golds and the produce stands are full or pumpkins and apples. Everywhere you look there are harvest parties and fall festivals. Farmers are storing up feed and hay to feed to their livestock during the winter. Homemakers are pickling and canning the last of the garden bounty. Pumpkin recipes are everywhere! Despite all the fun things, fall is still a season of preparation for the upcoming deadness of winter.
I’m also sensing that this is a time of spiritual preparation as well. God is calling people to spend more time studying the scriptures, praying, and fellowshipping with Him on a daily basis. These cool mornings are the perfect time for a cup of hot tea or coffee, a cozy blanket and some alone time with the Scriptures.
I don’t feel that this season of spiritual preparation is because there’s a spiritual “winter” on the way, but rather because there’s a time of advancement, growth, and ministry opportunities getting ready to open up like never before. The harvest truly is great, but the reapers and workers must be ready.
In order to spend time in the Word and in prayer, we will need to make time in our schedules. Quit being so busy with “life” that you forget to spend time with God and receive the Breath of Life that He gives. This might mean sacrificing some sleep and getting up early, before the pitter patter of little feet hit the floor. Perhaps you need to turn off the computer, smart phone or other electronic gadget and disconnect from technology on a regular basis, as you reconnect with the Creator.
You might say “But I don’t have time to do that…I have such a long list to get done today.” You’re right, you don’t have time, you have to MAKE time. Little elves don’t sneak in overnight and write all those deadlines and obligations on your calendar, you do it. Likewise, little elves won’t come in and block off time to spend in the things of God. You will have to do it, or it won’t get done. Our enemy is smart. If he can’t get you to stop, he’ll get you to accelerate to the point where you burn out and run yourself into the ground. You’re no good to yourself, your family, God or anyone else in that condition.
In the book of Luke chapter 10 we see the story of Mary & Martha. It’s a familiar verse to all of us. Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet and Martha was busy trying to make dinner for Jesus and the disciples. Finally in frustration, Martha looks at Jesus and says “don’t you care that I’m working and she’s just sitting there doing nothing?” Notice Jesus didn’t scold Mary for not having a to-do list, or for not being a “get it done” kind of gal. Rather, He looked at Martha with compassion, and probably shook His head a bit as He said “Martha, Martha…you’re BUSY and bothered with life. Mary chose the NEEDFUL thing, and it won’t be taken away from her.”
Interestingly enough, you never read again about Jesus having to tell Martha to focus on what was needful. Apparently, she got it the first time. Maybe she was quicker on the uptake than we are? Let’s endeavor to get it this time, and set aside the cares and schedules in exchange for some one on one time with the Creator of heaven and earth. He’s waiting for you.