Mmmm…Fall! There are so many wonderful smells in the fall. The smell of old leaves beginning to decompose and return nutrients to the earth at the base of the trees from which they’ve fallen. The crispness in the wind that nips our noses and reminds us that Old Man Winter will soon make his visit. The warm cloying scent of fresh pumpkin pie or pumpkin cookies or pumpkin lattes or, well, pumpkin anything! And apples! Don’t forget the apples!
When autumn arrives and the year begins to wind down, I often feel nostalgic. I remember back to the start of the year, begun in the icy throes of winter. I remember the long-awaited arrival of spring and the magic of the reawakening of Life all around us. I remember the violent thunderstorms and the blistering dog days of summer. I find fall restful; the warm fall colors flare up and then grow muted and dull. The temperatures become more moderate and mild. The kids and I discover we’d like to be outdoors more than we have been — no longer chained to the air conditioning for comfort, no longer molested by every biting insect on the planet.
“Generations come and generations go,
but the earth remains forever.
The sun rises and the sun sets,
and hurries back to where it rises.
The wind blows to the south
and turns to the north;
round and round it goes,
ever returning on its course” (Ecclesiastes 1:4-6).
Whether we take a break from our regular studies or carry them into the great outdoors with us, we make an effort to be outside as much as possible. Pitch a tent in the backyard for a zippered classroom that allows an autumn zephyr to whisper in our ears. Lay on our backs in the middle of the deserted soccer field and watch the clouds go by. Discover the secret haunts of squirrels, fat and lazy after a summer of bountiful feasting. Let the kids soak up as much sunshine as they can while it’s still warm enough to be unencumbered by coats and hats and scarves and mittens.
“While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
And cold and heat,
And summer and winter,
And day and night
Shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).
The growing season is winding down. Lawns that had to be mowed nearly twice a week at the height of summer now show only scant growth from one Saturday to the next. Most of the harvest is in and safely stored away. Huge numbers of birds have been migrating through, alighting in the early evening to rest their weary wings and rising together again the following morning to resume their incredible journey south to warmer climes. The cicada and katydid populations have quieted their noisy summertime keening leaving behind a stillness that seeps into your soul. With the quieting of nature and the urgency of God’s creatures preparing for cold weather, I find myself reflecting on the past year. Were there victories? Were there failures? What have I learned? How can I do better going forward? What has God done for my family this year?
I find great peace and contentment in the fact that no matter what great upheaval may be going on in our human lives, the changing of the seasons goes on as usual. God remains unchanged. His Word stands firm as do His promises. His earth continues on in obedience to His instructions and shall continue to do so long after all of today’s conflicts have been forgotten.